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⚠️ Privacy

  • This site and its owner do NOT store your personal information in any way. However, the site does use certain externally hosted services, each of which has its own privacy policies and methods of complying with applicable privacy regulations.
  • All external links open in a new tab and by default are told not to send a referrer in the header. I do not use an anonymizing service so that you will know exactly where the link will take you to. Also, I use noopener attribute, it prevents the opening page to gain any kind of access to the original page. I will never add user tracking of any type because I simply do not care. I don't care how popular the site is or isn't - it exists for my personal satisfaction.
  • If any external links are missing the rel="external noopener noreferrer" let me know and I'll update it ASAP.
  • No ads, no tracking, just my articles to read.